Thursday, March 3, 2016

Need to breakup? We've got covered.

By Brianna Foley @brifoleyy
March 3, 2016

Need to breakup? We've got it covered.

As we are departing from Valentine's Day, and the season where it just makes sense to have a certain someone, we are faced with a dilemma. How do we cut off the ties and break the persons heart that we'd been spending countless hours watching Netflix and chilling with? Well, we have a solution to this problematic situation.

There are apps and websites that get people together into a relationship and now, there is a website that will even breakup with your significant other for you. Canadian brothers, Mackenzie and Evan Keast, will happily break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend for you for just a small price to pay. Ten dollars will get you a breakup text and a whopping $29 will get you a breakup phone call. Wow! What a deal! Now if you're really wanting to end things quickly, don't worry, they have a rush service for you! So now you don't have to go through the hardest part of a relationship, you can just spend that extra cash and have the Breakup Shop do it for you.

While most may think that this is insane and heartless; the brothers feel that this is just a new way to do life. "Are we the bad guys? No, we're not," article. To some millennia’s this is a new innovation that will be the next big thing, nowadays, so many young people meet online now they can breakup online. Evan Keast stated "People say boo-hoo about 'Oh, my God, I can't believe you'd have somebody break up with somebody for you.' I know there's people in marriages that have people serve papers, and they never talk to their divorcees ever again,"

The company was founded upon one of the brother’s heartbreak. Apparently, a girl "ghosted" him and he felt that there should be a end to this. So they felt that if they created a service that eliminated the actual breaking up then there would be no reason to "ghost" someone.

So if breaking up doesn't sound like a fun thing to do, lucky for you, the Breakup Brothers will cut the ties for you! Sending a text or calling someone is so hard now a day, could you imagine having to do it to someone’s face, with this new service breakups just got a lot easier!

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