Monday, March 21, 2016

Pizza delivery robot? Yes, Please!

By Brianna Foley @brifoleyy
March 21, 2016

Pizza delivery robot? Yes, Please!

That's right, pizza being delivered to your door, by a robot.

Domino's Australia, who is a independent chain from U.S Dominos, has developed a pizza delivering, self-driving robot. The company unveiled this new development on Thursday at an event in Brisbane. 

DRU, also known as Domino's Robotic Unit, is the name for this four wheeled machine. DRU relies on GPS for navigation and has the capability of diverging objects that may be in the way. This delivering dynamo can reach a top speed of 12 mph. The distance of how far DRU can reach is still in the works. DRU was developed by Marathon Targets, a start up robotics training company. "We are proud to also be part of this world-first innovation in pizza-delivery technology," Marathon stated.

Don't get too excited though, DRU is only a prototype. Dominos is also known to dabble in new ways of technology to excite their customers. So for now we must wait for DRU. Until then, we can enjoy our friendly delivery men who don't mind seeing us when we look like we just got out of bed. 

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