Wednesday, February 17, 2016

January 1, 1970: The Date That Could Destroy Your Life...

by Brianna Foley @brifoleyy 
February 17, 2016

January 1, 1970: The Date That Could Destroy Your Life...

Did you know that your iPhone, and every other iPhone out there, really despises the date January 1, 1970? So much so, that if you attempt to set your phone to this forbidden date your precious iPhone will crash. Forever. 

There seems to be a bug in the newest iPhone update that could permanently damage your device. (Don't try this at home, kids) You can manually change the date and time easily in your settings. The farthest you can go back is ironically the taboo date of January 1, 1970. (Again, don't attempt to do this) 

There have been a few videos created that demonstrate this insane iPhone technical difficulty, they must not love their iPhone too much, the videos show that after they change the date the iPhone works immediately until powered off and then... it's the end of that iPhone's life. The phone will power on but the only thing that appears is the white background with the glaring apple staring at you. 

A February 12, 2016 article tried to figure out what was causing this strange iPhone crashing but unfortunately they came up blank. "It's not totally clear why the crash is happening. It's not at all obvious why anyone even bothered trying to set an iPhone's clock back 46 years."

Some have been able to attempt this and it not phase their phone due to time zone differences. According to a recent Reddit article Apple has been alerted of this problem and they are working on a fix.